for a set of predictions from different models, evaluate multiple metrics and return the results in a tabular format that makes it easy to compare the predictions.

multieval(.dataset, .observed, .predictions, .metrics, value_table = FALSE)



data frame with the predictions, it must have at least the column with the observed data and at least one column that refers to the predictions of a model.


string with the name of the column that contains the observed data.


string or vector of strings the columns where the predictions are stored.


metric or set of metrics to be evaluated, the metrics refer to those allowed by the package 'yardstick' from 'tidymodels'.


TRUE to display disaggregated metrics.


data frame with 4 columns: the evaluation metrics, the estimator used, the value of the metric and the name of the model.

See also


set.seed(123) library(yardstick) # métricas
#> For binary classification, the first factor level is assumed to be the event. #> Use the argument `event_level = "second"` to alter this as needed.
predictions <- data.frame(truth = runif(100), predict_model_1 = rnorm(100, mean = 1,sd =2), predict_model_2 = rnorm(100, mean = 0,sd =2), predict_model_3 = rnorm(100, mean = 0,sd =3)) multieval(.dataset = predictions, .observed = "truth", .predictions = c("predict_model_1","predict_model_2","predict_model_3"), .metrics = list(rmse = rmse, rsq = rsq, mae = mae), value_table = TRUE)
#> $table_values #> # A tibble: 9 x 4 #> .metric .estimator .estimate modelo #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 rmse standard 1.99 predict_model_1 #> 2 rmse standard 1.95 predict_model_2 #> 3 rmse standard 2.97 predict_model_3 #> 4 rsq standard 0.000704 predict_model_1 #> 5 rsq standard 0.00115 predict_model_2 #> 6 rsq standard 0.0000892 predict_model_3 #> 7 mae standard 1.59 predict_model_1 #> 8 mae standard 1.61 predict_model_2 #> 9 mae standard 2.37 predict_model_3 #> #> $summary_table #> # A tibble: 3 x 4 #> modelo rmse rsq mae #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 predict_model_1 1.99 0.000704 1.59 #> 2 predict_model_2 1.95 0.00115 1.61 #> 3 predict_model_3 2.97 0.0000892 2.37 #>
# Output ---------------------- # A tibble: 9 x 4 # .metric .estimator .estimate model # <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> # 1 mae standard 1.45 predict_model_1 # 2 mae standard 1.67 predict_model_2 # 3 mae standard 2.43 predict_model_3 # 4 rmse standard 1.78 predict_model_1 # 5 rmse standard 2.11 predict_model_2 # 6 rmse standard 3.01 predict_model_3 # 7 rsq standard 0.00203 predict_model_1 # 8 rsq standard 0.0158 predict_model_2 # 9 rsq standard 0.00254 predict_model_3 #$summary_table # A tibble: 3 x 4 # model mae rmse rsq # <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> # 1 predict_model_1 1.45 1.78 0.00203 # 2 predict_model_2 1.67 2.11 0.0158 # 3 predict_model_3 2.43 3.01 0.00254