sknifedatar (development version) Unreleased

sknifedatar 0.1.2 2021-06-01

  • ‘data.table’ package was removed as import required.

  • ‘workflowsets’ package was moved from import to suggests.

  • non-ASCII characters were removed from the ‘crimes’ dataset.

  • update of the example of the modeltime_multifit() function.

sknifedatar (2021-05-16) Unreleased

Major changes

  • create automagic_tabs2 to include more outputs in tabsets

  • removed dependency on xaringanExtra::use_panelset before call automagic_tabs for html_document output.

  • ‘workflowsets’ compatibility with ‘modeltime’ by creating modeltime_wfs_bestmodel , modeltime_wfs_fit , modeltime_wfs_forecast , modeltime_wfs_rank , modeltime_wfs_refit functions.

  • ‘workflowsets’ compatibility with ‘modeltime’, allows to adjust a workflow set over multiple time series by means of the modeltime_wfs_multibestmodel , modeltime_wfs_multifit , modeltime_wfs_multiforecast , modeltime_wfs_multirefit functions.

Bug fixes

  • modeltime_multifit corrected a name of nested serie column.

sknifedatar (2021-04-02) Unreleased

Major changes

  • multieval no longer generates a graph for calculated metrics.

  • mlapply was removed, a reduced version is included internally within the multieval function.

  • pertenencia_punto was removed.

  • removed dependency on stringr, stringi, yardstick, ggplot2 and parallel packages.

Bug fixes

  • modeltime_multibestmodel corrected a detail in the code that was not selecting the best models correctly.

sknifedatar (2021-03-28) Unreleased

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.